Commissioners / Chairs
  Gavin J. Fleming
Gavin J. Fleming GIS specialist, environmental modeller and researcher at CSIR since 1999. Before that he was a GIS specialist at GIMS (Geographic Information Management Systems, southern Africa ESRI distributors). Research interests in Spatiotemporal data modelling, the Semantic Web (ontologies, metadata), spatial standards and interoperability, biodiversity conservation and monitoring, global change, spatial analysis. He is a member of GISSA (Geographic Information Society of South Africa) and ESSA (Exploration Society of South Africa). He has BSc degree in Genetics and Microbiology, BSc (Hons) in Genetics and MSc in Population Genetics at the University of the Witwatersrand. He has done short courses in statistics, modelling, model optimisation, GIS and database design, conservation biology, project management, selling skills, marketing skills, multi-agent systems modelling, Java programming, Python programming and the Pacific Institute’s Investment in Excellence.
  Ralf Denzer
Dr. Denzer is a Professor of Computer Science at Saarland University for Applied Sciences, Germany . He has been conducting leading edge research and implementation of environmental information and decision support systems for nearly 20 years. He is director of the research institute Environmental Informatics Group (, which is one of the European leading institutions in in the field. He chairs Environmental Informatics Institute (, an world-wide institute of experts, and IFIP Working Group 5.11 “Computers and Environment” ( His research is focused on large scale information infrastructures.
  Ali Shabou
Ali Shabou, specialized in media and undertook several assignments with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT) which is the United Nations focal point agency responsible of coordinating the urban development and housing. He served as Chief, Regional Information Office for Arab States, then as Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the City-Summit Meeting in Arab States. Information Manager for the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure, Chief, Information Services Section and currently he is Advisor to the Director, Regional and Technical Cooperation Division at UN-HABITAT. Responsible of the strategy and management of information in the UN-HABITAT regional offices in Latin America , Asia and the Pacific, Africa and Arab States and Europe. Coordinator of technical and operational activities parallel events to the Governing Council. Responsible of establishing a UN-HABITAT office in the Middle East with two main mandates: Information and knowledge management and awareness building, and technical cooperation activities.
Members / Contributors
  • David A. Swayne, CRLE, Canada
    Jonathan Williams, MTS, United Kingdom

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