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IFIP AGORA Seminar Addis Ababa

How to create a lifelong learning environment

The aim of IFIP AGORA Seminar is to bring together experts and policy makers to prepare a regional and individual action plan to deal with LLL issues in an African context. Participants will bring their own problems to the seminar in order to develop individual and shared action plans.

Lifelong Learning is about how workers and students use and develop their knowledge work competence supported by e-competence. LLL action plans take account of each LLL situation as a contextual situation taking account of the level of access to ICT and the level of e-readiness and e-maturity of the national society and or organisation, dependent on cultural, social and economical context. LLL is about new ways of learning and sharing of knowledge supported by ICT. LLL when supported by effective action plans is a means to close the digital divide.

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International Federation For Information Processing
In collaboration with
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
Ethiopian Information and Communication Technology Development Agency
Ethiopian Information Technology Professional Association

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