Commissioners / Chairs
  Prof. Adekunle Okunoye
Xavier University , USA
Adekunle O. Okunoye is an assistant professor of Information Systems at Xavier University, USA. He holds a Ph.D degree in Computer Science/Information Systems from University of Turku, Finland. Adekunle is a chartered information technology practitioner and member of the British Computer Society. He is also a member of Association for Information Systems. His research focuses on knowledge management, new information and communication technologies, organizational implementation of IT and the resultant changes in organization, and IT & globalization. He has published in various journals, books and conference proceedings.
  Prof Lucas D. Introna
Lancaster University , UK
Lucas D. Introna is Professor of Technology, Organisation and Ethics at Lancaster University. Previously he lectured in Information Systems at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research interest is the social and political aspects of information technology. In particular he is concerned with the way information technology transforms and mediates the social space with specific reference to the moral dimension. He is a founding member of the International Society for Ethics and Information Technology (INSEIT) and an active member of IFIP WG 8.2, The Society for Philosophy in Contemporary World (SPCW), and a number of other academic and professional societies. He has published widely in leading journals and has served on scientific committees across a number of disciplines in a variety of countries. He is associate editor of Management Information Systems Quarterly and co-editor Ethics and Information Technology.
  Prof Abiodun O. Bada
The George Washington University , USA
Dr. Abiodun Bada is an assistant professor of information systems in the Department of Engineering Management and Systems Engineering at the George Washington University (GWU), USA. His research interests include information technology and organizational change, information systems in developing countries, and information technology in financial services. Before joining GWU, Dr. Bada taught information systems at Virginia State University in the U.S., the London School of Economics, and Manchester Metropolitan University (both in the United Kingdom). He earned his Ph.D. in information systems from the London School of Economics, University of London (UK). Dr. Bada currently chairs the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Working Group (WG) 9.4 on Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries.
  Henrikas Juskevicius

IOUCHKIAVITCHIOUS (Juškevičius), Henrikas
Born March 1935, Siauliai, Lithuania.
Graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Communication Institute: holds a degree in radio-communications and broadcasting engineering. Began his career at the Lithuanian Television Centre (1958-1960), then Head of the Technological Department of the Lithuanian Television and Radio (1960-1966). During that period, he led the creation of the Lithuanian television and radio infrastructure. At the same time, engaged in journalistic activities; member of the Union of Journalists since 1966.

From 1966 to 1971, Director of the Technical Centre at the International Radio and Television Organization (OIRT - Intervision) with Headquarters in Prague: developed television news exchange between television organizations of Intervision and Eurovision; since 1968, member of the Eurovision and Intervision Operations Group and a member of the Television Commission of the International Olympic Committee; was instrumental in providing worldwide television and radio coverage of the Olympic Games; awarded the Silver Order of the International Olympic Committee.

From 1971 to 1990, Vice-Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Television and Radio Broadcasting, Chairman of the Interministerial Committee for Radio and Television Development and Member of the Interministerial Committee for Satellite Communication: participated in the development of new technological radio and television systems, directed the development of programme and technological conceptions, was responsible for the television and radio coverage of main international events, television and radio coverage of the Space Programme, construction and development of a television and radio multiprogramme system for the national and international coverage of the Moscow Olympic Games; decorated with national and international awards: State Prize of the USSR, EMMY Directorate Award from the USA National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Order of the Red Banner (USSR) (for his contribution to the Apollo-Soyuz space flight), two Orders of Honour (USSR), Order of Friendship (Russian Federation) and the Order of Gediminas (Lithuania).

From September 1990 to January 2001, Assistant Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris: from September 1990 to January 2000, headed the Communication, Information and Informatics Sector; played a leading role in the implementation of UNESCO’s new communication strategy favouring press freedom, media pluralism and strengthening communication capacities of developing countries; promoted East-West and North-South media cooperation and exchanges and innovative uses of ICTs in UNESCO’s fields of competence; from November 1999 to January 2001, played a key role in UNESCO’s reform, overseeing the restructuring of the Secretariat and the revision of management and administrative practices; from May 2000 to January 2001, headed UNESCO’s Sector for Administration.

From February 2001, Adviser of the Director-General of UNESCO on the Communication, Information and Administration issues.

Full member of the International Academy of Electrotechnical Sciences; Academician of the Russian Academy of Information; Academician of the International Academy of Television and Radio; Vice-president of Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio; Doctor Honoris Causa of the International Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics (Canada); Fellow of the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, SMPTE (USA); Member of the International Institute of Communications; Vice-president of Baden-Baden Foundation.

Members / Contributors

Tracey Herbert
Executive Director
First Peoples' Cultural Foundation
First Peoples' Heritage, Language and Culture Council

Tracey Herbert is from the Bonaparte Band, Shuswap Nation, British Columbia. She has 16 years experience in the administration of First Nations community programs in British Columbia, combined with a strong community development background and a degree in Fine Arts. Tracey credits her experience serving as a Band Councilor for Bonaparte Band for providing her with a detailed understanding and appreciation of the issues and priorities in First Nations communities.

First Peoples Heritage, Language and Culture Council and First Peoples' Cultural Foundation are the sister organizations in British Columbia primarily responsible for administering funding for Indigenous language and culture revitalization. In her two years as Executive Director of both organizations, Tracey Herbert has spearheaded the development of strong strategic planning and program delivery among the 198 culturally and linguistically diverse Aboriginal communities of British Columbia.


Peter Brand
Coordinator -

Peter Brand was raised in Tasmania, Australia where he trained as an elementary school teacher. His experience as an educator in the Australian “outback”, followed by several years of extensive world travel and eleven years teaching at L AU,WEL N E W Tribal School in Saanich, British Columbia raised his awareness of Indigenous language endangerment.

Peter collaborated with Saanich First Nation language teacher John Elliott to develop the concept for the FirstVoices project. Peter has coordinated the project since its inception in 2001, building a talented team of specialists to resolve the many cultural, linguistic and technical challenges arising during four years of pioneering development work. The resulting Web application is a unique set of resources designed specifically for community-based Indigenous language revitalization. Peters contributions to Indigenous language revitalization was recognized with a University of Victoria Community Leadership Award .

  • Prof Hannes Britz, University of Pretoria , South Africa and University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee , USA
  • Dr Jaki Phahlamohlaka, University of Pretoria , South Africa
  • Ms Justine Johnstone, London Metropolitan University , UK

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